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Women in Payments: Student Perspectives on the Payments Industry (Part 1)

I sat down with Shannon Hire, student, computer science, College of IS&T at UNO to talk more about her view of women in the payments industry, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers more broadly.

Nidhi Alberti: What drew you to pursuing a career in STEM?

Shannon Hire: I have always enjoyed math and science courses, so I always knew I wanted to do something in that field. However, it was not until my senior year of high school that I took a computer science course and got exposed to programming. I really liked that it involved logic and problem-solving skills, similar to math classes I’d taken, so I decided to major in it. I’m in my third year of computer science now at UNO and love it.

NA: What do you think is the best way to encourage more girls to go into STEM fields?

SH: I think it starts in school. We should have more opportunities for girls to learn about the STEM field at a young age. I went to an all-girls high school and they provided no computer science classes until my senior year. I think that because a lot of girls aren’t exposed to these fields at a young(er) age, they don’t even consider them as options. There are also a lot of great non-profit organizations in Omaha that have helped get more girls interested in STEM, such as DoSpace, Girls Who Code, and Mystery Code Society. I’ve participated in Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Coding for Girls Camp, which is another great opportunity for young girls to be exposed to STEM fields.

Lastly, I think that girls would be more interested in getting into STEM fields by having a female mentor who is already in that field, someone to whom they can look for guidance. I know that sometimes it is hard being one of the only girls in my classes, and seeing other girls going through the same program can be really encouraging.

NA: Following the sessions at Ò°»¨ÉçÇø, what were your takeaways about the payments industry?

SH: After visiting Ò°»¨ÉçÇø, I am more interested in the payments industry as a whole. It made me think more about all the technology that goes behind just a simple credit card transaction. It made me more aware of all the work that goes behind things we do every day that are often underappreciated.

NA: What are your thoughts on embarking on a career in payments?

SH: I would definitely consider going into the payments industry. I am still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do once I graduate, but I’m sure I want to do something involving software. It looks like there are a lot of opportunities in the payments industry and it is a growing field that is important across the world.

What happens at Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s ‘Coding for Girls’ Camp? .

Sr. Public Relations Manager

With more than a decade of tech public relations experience, Nidhi leads PR efforts for the Americas region.