Case StudY

TEB detects over 92% of fraud across card transactions

TEB has more than 600 branch offices, 10,000 employees, three million individual customers and 500,000 corporate clients – and is the ninth-largest bank in Turkey according to asset ranking. The bank has become one of the most successful fraud-fighting organizations in the country thanks to its merger with Fortis Turkey, which had long been punching above its weight when it comes to detecting and preventing bank fraud.

“Ұ»¨ÉçÇø Fraud Management for Banking helps TEB protect over €3.7 million worth of transactions, and detect 92+ percent of fraud across all card transactions.“

TEB faces growing fraud threat

Like banks around the world, the newly merged TEB faced a growing fraud threat.

The bank was trying to fight the problem with a series of disparate solutions that were not able to provide a complete picture of fraudulent activity or keep up to date with new types of fraud.

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø fraud management for banking improves fraud fighting capabilities

TEB chose to implement Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Fraud Management for Banking across all major payment channels.

Since the initial implementation, the inherent flexibility within the solution has allowed the merged bank to add innovative, bespoke developments to combat specific problems as they arise.

TEB detects 92%+ fraud

TEB has now acquired one of the most advanced fraud-fighting capabilities within Turkey.

With the merger into TEB and the integration of fraud systems, the new joint entity will benefit from the innovation, experience and success of Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Fraud Management for Banking going forward.