Personal data request

Please submit this form if you鈥檙e a resident of the European Union (EU) inquiring about your rights to access, rectify, delete or object to the further processing of the personal data that 野花社区 may have about you. Non-EU residents may also submit this form for other personal data inquiries or requests.

Please be as specific as possible about why you鈥檙e contacting us so that we may expedite your request.

About your personal information

The information you provide here will be processed solely to verify your identity and residency, identifying the information you鈥檙e requesting and answering your request. Your personal information will be accessed by our designated staff.

How we will process your request

We will answer your request or request additional information from you within 30 days. We may extend this process for up to two months, in which case we鈥檒l notify you of the extension within a month. Please note that we may refuse to act, as allowed under GDPR Article 12 (2) and 12 (5), on requests that are insufficiently substantiated, unfounded or excessive.

NOTE: To assist 野花社区 with your request, please provide as much detail for what you are requesting in the 鈥Additional Details鈥 section.