Postilion From Ò°»¨ÉçÇø

Gain the flexibility you need to support existing and emerging payment channels with Postilion

What is Postilion?

Postilion is a fully integrated set of modules designed to support electronic payments processing for banks, processors and merchants. Built using open systems technology, Postilion allows for the frictionless exchange of information between internal and external channels, creating a truly seamless omni-channel experience.

Postilion is comprised of four main modules

  • Postilion realtime is an online transaction processing application that manages the integrity and security of transactions, controls transaction routing, performs stand-in authorizations, offers currency conversion capability and assists operators with terminal monitoring and event logging.
  • Postilion office is a back-office application that provides post-transaction processing for data retrieved from Postilion Realtime. It delivers a comprehensive source of information for near-real-time monitoring and analysis of all transactions processed by the Postilion Realtime system without impacting its performance.
  • Postcard is an application that provides the card management services issuers require.
  • eSocket is a set of modules that enables external parties to interface with Postilion Realtime. These modules can be placed on a foreign device or system to enable it to connect it to Postilion Realtime. eSocket also provides application programming interfaces to ensure that there is transaction commonality between multiple channels.

Postilion for banks and processors

The demand for electronic payment methods is greater now than ever before. In order to meet this demand, banks and processors require a cost-effective solution that offers the flexibility to support a wide variety of payment options, is compatible with multiple devices, can dynamically handle currency conversions and more.

With Postilion for banks and processors, financial institutions have the freedom to choose what products and services to offer now, without limiting themselves in the future. A multi-channel, multi-currency, multi-institution solution, Postilion leverages open systems technology and a wide range of pre-certified network interfaces for fast and easy systems integration.


Library of pre-certified network interfaces with off-the-shelf support for a wide range of connections to national, regional and international scheme networks and host systems

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Omni-channel support, including ATM, POS, self-service terminals, internet, kiosks, call centers and mobile devices

Support for all card types — debit, prepaid, gift — in EMV, contactless and magnetic stripe formats

Secure cryptographic processing and support for secure PIN generation, PIN verification, EMV processing, 3DES and lifecycle management

A modular architecture with the flexibility to extend to new services and products and support fast rollout of new features and functions

Support for all types of transactions, including purchases, cash withdrawals, refunds, transfers, bill payments, wire transfers, pre-payments, recharges and statements

Compliance with PA-DSS and card scheme mandates

Velocity, balance and full stand-in authorization services configured on an account of card profile level

Complete card management lifecycle support, including production, activation, redemption and reporting

Advanced transaction support, including foreign exchange dispensing, dynamic currency conversion and prepaid top-up

Active/Active high availability architecture to prevent unscheduled outages and enable scheduled maintenance to be performed without downtime

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Postilion for merchants

Shoppers expect merchants to offer safe, easy and convenient payments options, regardless of whether they’re making a purchase online or in person. To meet these expectations — and to stay up to date with complex security mandates, comply with regulatory changes and adopt emerging payment types — merchants require the support of a full-service solution.

Postilion for merchants enables merchants to deliver a consistent shopping experience across existing and emerging payment channels. Free from the constraints of proprietary software, Postilion offers merchants the flexibility they need for easy systems integration and rapid adoption of next-generation payment solutions, including mobile payments.


Modular architecture and open systems technology for true flexibility

End-to-end integration from POS devices through to acquirer

Integrated POS terminals in multi-lane, express lane and fuel environments

PCI Validated P2PE certification and PA-DSS compliance

Support for EMV, magnetic stripe and contactless payment formats

Opportunity to negotiate lower service charges with multiple acquirers

Support for value-added services, including gift cards and prepay

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Support for a full range of devices and mixed terminal estates

Operational tools and centralized configuration

Active/Active architecture for the highest levels of availability

Fraud management tools that limit the financial risks of write-offs and losses, empower companies to implement more aggressive policies for retaining bank capital and maintain compliance with various industry and government regulations