
Tokenization that puts you in control of cardholder data

Secure your customers, reduce your compliance burden and retain the flexibility and independence to effectively manage your business with single- and multi-use tokens from Ò°»¨ÉçÇø

A digitally rendered lock on a faux circuit board, an abstract display of what digital security is.

Omni-channel data protection
Tokens cannot be converted back to card numbers

Added compliance
Support PCI compliance through a highly secure token vault

Customer efficiency
Create improved omni-channel customer experiences

Provide seamless omni-channel data security

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s omni-tokens can be used across channels and with card and alternative payment methods. Our omni-tokens link the customer to their tokenized payment method with ease, while ensuring their highly-sensitive personal data remains secure.

Use omni-token across online, mobile, in-store and MOTO payments

Power the seamless omni-channel experience your customers demand

Offer secure “buy online, pick up in-store” and subscription services

Simplify and speed up the returns process

Deliver an optimal omni-channel experience

Gain a comprehensive look at tokenization and omni-tokens, and explore how to enable frictionless customer journeys, the major benefits of merchant tokenization, how omni-tokens can be securely shared across once-siloed systems and real-world use cases.

A woman holds out her phone to wirelessly pay for her purchase at the hand held point of sale system.

Gain control, flexibility and independence

Our merchant omni-tokens give complete ownership of tokenization capability. And when it comes to external payment processes including authorization, settlement and reconciliation, we convert the tokens back to PANs within our safe harbor and handle the processes out to issuers, acquirers and schemes.

Flex which acquirers and providers you work with, with no impact on stored tokens

Connect to external partners such as loyalty program providers

Leverage omni-tokens for internal functions like reporting

Secure authorization with card networks

Sending card data in the clear is a thing of the past. Discover the benefits of associating network tokens with omni-tokens for securing payments data and improving the customer experience.

16 digit pin code

Increase security
PANs are never in the clear, and each new transaction is accompanied by a cryptogram for added security

Reduce costs
In addition to lower interchange rates for card on file (COF) transactions, card networks are giving additional incentives for network token use

card authenticated

Improve conversion
Declines are reduced and transactions are typically authorized even if the card is expired, lost or stolen

Lower fraud
Visa reports fraud rates decline 28% when network tokens are used*

Belt and braces — the security duo for credit card data

Tokenization is one piece of the puzzle when it comes to data security — and its perfect teammate is point-to-point encryption (P2PE), which encrypts sensitive card and customer information at the terminal.

Hackers target customer payments data from merchants’ back-office systems and as it travels from the payments terminal to the processor. Combine tokenization and P2PE capabilities to give you peace of mind that customer data is protected at every touchpoint.

A digitally rendered shield made of blue binary

Protection along the entire payments journey

End-to-End Protection

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø delivers payment and fraud management capabilities that allow merchants to manage and protect the full lifecycle of payments.